How to Change the “Task Type”, “Assign to”, and “Due Date” on the Task Listing Page?

Change ‘Task Type’:

  1. Navigate to Task Listing Page
  2. Hover on the task & click on the icon to change the Task Type (Refer Image 1). Please note that the task type drop-down will only show the default task types and task types added for that project. For the users who have signed up before 18th November 2019 will have default task types, company level task types and project level task types in the project.

  (Image 1)

Change ‘Assign to’:

  1. Navigate to Task Listing Page
  2. Hover on the task & click on the icon near icon (Refer Image 1)

(Image 1)

Change ‘Due Date’  :

  1. Navigate to Task Listing Page.
  2. Click icon of the task (Refer Image 1)

(image 1)


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