Can I Edit My Google Calendar Settings in Orangescrum?

Once you have integrated a Calendar, you cannot edit the settings of that calendar in Orangescrum. However, you can only edit below 2 fields:

When a task is closed:

  1. Once tasks are closed, you can decide if you would like to keep that event on Google Calendar or not.
  2. If you have selected ‘Leave it on Google Calendar’, then on task closure, the event will not be deleted from your calendar.
  3. If you select ‘Remove it from Google Calendar’, then once the task is closed the event will be auto-deleted from the calendar.

Task without due date:

  1. If you would like to sync the task without due date, then you need to select ‘Should be synced’.
  2. In order to edit the above details, please navigate to Setting.
  3. Select ‘Integrations’ and select ‘Google Calendar’.
  4. Select ‘Edit’ and make the required changes. Click ‘Update’ to save the changes. (Refer Image 1)

(Image 1)