Once you have integrated a Calendar, you cannot edit the settings of that calendar in Orangescrum. However, you can only edit below 2 fields:
When a task is closed:
- Once tasks are closed, you can decide if you would like to keep that event on Google Calendar or not.
- If you have selected ‘Leave it on Google Calendar’, then on task closure, the event will not be deleted from your calendar.
- If you select ‘Remove it from Google Calendar’, then once the task is closed the event will be auto-deleted from the calendar.
Task without due date:
- If you would like to sync the task without due date, then you need to select ‘Should be synced’.
- In order to edit the above details, please navigate to Setting.
- Select ‘Integrations’ and select ‘Google Calendar’.
- Select ‘Edit’ and make the required changes. Click ‘Update’ to save the changes. (Refer Image 1)
(Image 1)