Currently, Orangescrum is only available in English. However, you can store your data in any language.
You’ll be billed after your 30 days use.
Refund policy does not apply, as you will be paying at the end of the month of your usage.
We accept payments through all major Credit Card services.
We ask for your credit card to allow your membership to continue after your free trial. This also allows us to reduce fraud and prevent multiple free trials for one person. This helps us deliver better service for all the honest customers.
Remember that we won’t bill you anything during your free trial and that you can cancel at any moment before your trial ends.
The security of your information is extremely important to us. We do not save any credit card number in our database, neither share your email id to third parties. All the sensitive information are encrypted using Secure Socket Layer Technology (SSL).
Of course, we can install Orangescrum in your environment with a customized price. Contact us for on-premise solutions.
Yes, Contact us to get custom plan for your account.
Yes, The other modes of payment is Wire Transfer. This mode is accepted only for the yearly subscription. Contact us for yearly subscription
No problems, Contact us to avail customized pricing.
You can downgrade to a lower paid plan at any time. Also you can cancel at any time. If you are canceling in between the billing period, your card will be charged for that entire month, however your account will be canceled with immediate effect.
Open Source FAQs
IIS7 does not natively support .htaccess files. While there are add-ons that can add this support, you can also import htaccess rules into IIS to use CakePHP’s native rewrites. To do this, follow these steps:
•Use Microsoft’s Web Platform Installer to install the URL Rewrite Module 2.0 or download it directly (32-
bit / 64-bit).
•Create a new file called web.config in your CakePHP root folder. (in webroot folder)
•Using Notepad or any XML-safe editor, copy the following code into your new web.config file
•Once the web.config file is created with the correct IIS-friendly rewrite rules, CakePHP’s links, CSS,
JavaScipt and rerouting should work correctly.
•Please find CakeRequest.php file.You can download it Here.
•Please replace new CakeRequest.php file with previous CakeRequest.php file path is “orangescrum-master
\lib\Cake\Network CakeRequest.php “.
- RAM: minimum 2 GB
- Processor: Core2duo or Higher
- OS: Windows/Linux/Mac
- Disk Space: 10 GB or Higher
- Apache 2.2 or 2.4
- MySql: 5.6 or 5.7
- PHP 5.6 or PHP 7.x
- WK<html>TOpdf(Invoice)
- cURL (enabled)
You can check our open source demo at: http://newui.orangescrum.org/
It might be an issue due to MySQL Strict mode. You need to Turn OFF the MySQL Strict Mode.
To Turn off Strict mode:
- Go to phpmyadmin
- Look at the top and towards the right for variables. Click on that then either scroll down to sql mode or use the filter. Hover over the row that says sql mode and an edit button should appear.
Change to:
Disable Strict mode on mysql for Centos/Fedora : –
# vim /etc/my.conf
Change to
# sql_mode=””
Disable Strict mode on mysql for Ubuntu :-
# vim /etc/mysql/conf.d/disable_strict_mode.cnf
and enter those two lines on it:=
Then restart the mysql server:-
# sudo service mysql restart
If you see this “4 simple steps to get started with Orangescrum” message, then it seems a database connection error.
Please check the following steps to resolve the issue:
- Check your database connection properly & make sure you have provided the correct credentials.
- Change the collation to ‘utf8’ instead of `utf8_unicode_ci` or vice versa
- Check the Path of the Orangescrum Folder & make sure you have provided the same path in the Constants.php inside the app/Config folder.
- Also check & make sure you have write permission (777 or 755) to “app/tmp” and “app/webroot” folders.
If you still face the issue, then please contact us for consultant’s help.
It is either due to htaccess or file permission issue.
- Provide proper write permission to ” app/tmp “, ” app/webroot ” and ” app/Config ” folders and their sub folders. Provide either 777 or 755 permission to the mentioned folders.
If still you face the same issue, then check your htaccess permission.
To enable htaccess in CentOS server
Under DocumentRoot “/var/www/html“
Change Require all denied to Require all granted
DocumentRoot “/var/www/html”
# Relax access to content within /var/www.
<Directory “/var/www”>
AllowOverride None
# Allow open access:
Require all granted
# Further relax access to the default document root:
<Directory “/var/www/html”>
# Possible values for the Options directive are “None”, “All”,
# or any combination of:
# Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews
# Note that “MultiViews” must be named *explicitly* — “Options All”
# doesn’t give it to you.
# The Options directive is both complicated and important. Please see
# http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#options
# for more information.
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be “All”, “None”, or any combination of the keywords:
# Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
AllowOverride None
# Controls who can get stuff from this server.
Require all granted
htaccess Issue on Centos/Fedora :-
AllowOverride None
AllowOverride All
In apache main Configuration File(/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf)
htaccess Issue on Ubuntu :-
# Require all granted
On Apache main configuration File Under <Directory>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
Require all granted
ERROR 500 Or External Server Error/htaccess header issue on WAMP SERVER
Uncomment the line in apache configuration file :=
in apache->httpd.conf:=
<IfModule mod_headers.c> Header set [your_options] </IfModule>
Left click on Wampserver and select apache=>apache modules=>select header modules to enable it
and at last restart WAMP server.
htaccess Issues on WAMP Server :-
STEP 1: click on Wampserver and select apache->httpd.conf
STEP 2: Find and replace the following text
Find #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
Replace LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
STEP 3: Restart Wamp Server
Left click on Wampserver and select apache=>apache modules=>select rewrite modules to enable it
and at last restart WAMP server.
To enable htaccess for IIS server
Please check the web.config file. We don’t have any document for IIS server right now.
To change the company logo, favicon, go to app/webroot/img folder to change the company logo.
For user login change, go to “app/View/Users/login.ctp“
Open source basic version is completely free & customizable as per your requirement. You need to download the source code & install it on your server.
You’ll get the following features: Projects, Tasks, Users, Milestones, Task Template, Email Notification, Daily Update Reminder (Daily Catch-up), Kanban View, Calendar view etc. Check the complete feature list here.
For Premium features, you need to purchase add-ons from our marketplace based on what you need.
Replace the ImageComponent.php file with the old one which is inside “app/webroot/users/image_thumb” folder. (Contact us for the ImageComponent file)
Before replacing the file keep a backup of the existing one.
If you got a broken image after the file replacement, then put the below line as the first line of the ImageComponent.php file inside “app/webroot/users/image_thumb” folder after <?php
$req_path = explode(‘app’.DS,dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
Install imagemagic extension for your server.
To Install imagemagic file in CentOS server; run the following command:
yum install gcc php-devel php-pear
yum install ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel
pecl install imagick
echo “extension=imagick.so” > /etc/php.d/imagick.ini
service httpd reload
Also check whether exif extention enable for php or not.