Categories: Time Log

How can I assign task to resource from Resource availability?

Now you can directly create tasks from the Resource Availability grid itself. There is no need to go to task list or Kanban view to Create Tasks. Here is how-

  • Hover on Resource Management from the left main menu and click on Resource Availability. Resource availability will be available for owner and admin by default. However, you can provide access to the users using User role management feature
  • Click on Available slots denoted by Green color. Green color in Resource Availability indicates that resource is available and you can assign task to the resource.
  • Upon clicking on Green slots, you will find 2 options- Create Task & Submit Leave.
  • If you want to assign task, then you can click on Create task. Or, if you would like to add leave, then click on Submit leave. I would like to assign Richard a task for 2 days. So I would click on Create task on 5th October.
  • Upon clicking, Richard is selected as assignee in Create task pop-up and the start date 5th October is auto selected as well. Update important task info such as task title, estimated hours, priority etc. and save it.
  • You will be able to see that task will be booked for Richard on 5th October and 6th October.
  • That’s easy! Now you don’t have to check the resource availability and navigate to task list to assign tasks.